ybcpatrick · 5 months ago
What are your thoughts on tv mediums and stuff? Like do you believe they’re genuine?
well first off, theresa caputo is a fucking HACK, so jot that down. like i feel it in my bones, she's full of shit, i get that it was an early 2010s reality show but her shit felt way too vague and telegraphed to me, in a way other mediums on tv don't. plus, she was on tlc. TLC.
when it comes to mediums who lend their abilities to ghost hunting shows, i tend to trust their statements a bit more. chip coffey (kindred spirits) strikes me as totally legit, he feels very genuine with his readings on the places adam and amy explore. cindy kaza (the dead files/the holzer files/portals to hell) also feels genuine to me, even though i find the holzer files in particular to be incredibly fucking goofy in its presentation. amy allan (formerly of the dead files) comes off as the most real to me, just because her walkthroughs of the given haunted locations were always free of any extra fluff. she went in blind, said her shit, and felt her feelings. she never had a filter and that reads really realistic to me.
i think the difference is like. the avenue through which the person is presenting their abilities says a lot about whether or not they're full of shit. like, chip/cindy/amy aren't doing it for the money, they're on silly little tv shows on the travel channel because they seemingly have a genuine interest in investigating/helping people experiencing activity. theresa caputo, on the other hand, would just venture out into the world and stop randos at the grocery store to tell them their gamgam said hey, with all the pageantry in the world, as if she were bestowing a great honour upon them.
and i'm not saying that to be like "IF UR A MEDIUM U SHOULDNT MONETIZE IT", i truly do not give a fuck what people wanna do (and i'm also not a medium myself, i'm just ✨sensitive✨), but like. the behaviour and presentation of that lil nugget of information is very indicative of your character, and thereby your trustworthiness.
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